Dystopia Rising 3.0 to Dystopia Rising Live: Item Conversion Time!
Hey there Hazers!
February is halfway gone, which means we’re getting closer everyday to the arrival of the new ruleset, Dystopia Rising Live! Our next in-person game, in March, will be the first DR: Live game for DR:PA which means its time to talk about item conversions!
We’re following suit with DR:MA, DR: NY and DR: TX by using the spreadsheet that the TX chapter built to make item conversions easier on you the player, as well as our Logistics staff! What this means is that you’re going to fill out the linked spreadsheet for each of your characters that currently have items or equipment.
Live Item Conversion Spreadsheet
The spreadsheet link above will bring you to a Google Sheet that you’ll need to fill out. At our March game, bring your 3.0 cards & Blueprints with you. You’ll turn these into Public Works, and in return we’ll give you your new character sheet, cards, and Blueprints.
Each character that needs items transferred will need this sheet filled out, but don’t panic. We’re gonna walk you through the entire process.
Right click on the tab at the bottom of the screen titled “TEMPLATE: DUPLICATE THIS”, and click DUPLICATE
For each character, you’ll create a NEW TAB, formatted as “[PLAYER NUMBER] [CHARACTER NAME]” (I.e. “19496 Kyle”)
Blueprint Conversions
Blueprints will be converted on a 1:1 basis where possible:
The spreadsheet includes a list of Blueprints at the bottom. If your print isn’t on that list, it has a direct 1 to 1 conversion available. If you don’t want that print in DR: L, you can choose to grab the carded resources used in DR:L to create that print instead.Renamed Prints:
A number of prints were renamed in the conversion from 3.0 to DR: L. If a print does not have a 1 to 1 conversion, but does still exist in DR:L the Conversion List shows you the name of that print in DR:L.
Ex: The Requiem Typewriter is now a Motor City Machine GunRemoved Blueprints:
Almost 100 different Blueprints didn’t make the cut in the transition from 3.0 to Live. Within the linked document, there is a list of Removed Blueprints so you can check to see if any of your prints were removed from play. If They Were you may list the removed print in the Notes column of the spreadsheet. You’ll be able to choose another print of the Same Type. (Brew print for Brew print, Armor for Armor, etc.)
The exception is that Necrology and New Criminal (Black Market & MI) prints are not available for conversion. These prints will be specifically seeded during play by chapters.Criminal Prints and Level of Skill:
3.0 Crim prints may only be converted to DR:L Criminal prints if you have both the required faction & level of the relevant skill listed in the print’s Production Skills section.
If you lack the requisite skill to get the conversion print, you may select a different print of any type except Necrology prints.3.0 to DR: L Necrology Prints:
Certain 3.0 prints are now DR: L Necrology prints of the same name. Unfortunately, these prints cannot be converted. Instead you may request a conversion to Any Blueprint type except new Criminal prints.
Item Conversions
These are the types of items you’ll need to document for the conversion: Armor, Weapons, Shields, Vehicles, Gizmos, Brews, Injected Brews, Meals, Area Augments, Blueprints, and Traps.
No Transfer Needed:
Herb, Scrap, Produce. All Herb and Produce will keep the same expiration date. Any Scrap without an expiration date will count as though they have a year expiration date starting February 2025. After February 2026 we will no longer accept any scrap cards that do not have an expiration date on them. Over the next year, we will work to cycle out undated cards, so please try to use them first!Items That No Longer Exist:
Local Plot cards, card with Custom Mechanics, Forage cards, and Salvage cards no longer exist. You may keep them or toss them, but they won’t be usable in game.Items will be converted on a 1:1 basis where possible:
If you have 3.0 items that have a 1:1 DR:L conversion, but you really aren’t interested in the DR:L item you can instead choose to receive the carded resources that go into crafting the DR:L version.Renamed Items:
A number of items were renamed in the conversion from 3.0 to DR: L. If an item does not have a 1 to 1 conversion, but does still exist in DR:L the Conversion List shows you the name of that print in DR:L.
Ex: The Requiem Typewriter is now a Motor City Machine GunRemoved Items:
Almost 100 different Blueprints didn’t make the cut in the transition from 3.0 to Live. Within the linked document, there is a list of Removed Blueprints so you can check to see if any of your items were removed from play. If They Were you may list the removed item in the Notes column of the spreadsheet. You’ll be able to choose another print of the Same Type. (Brew print for Brew print, Armor for Armor, etc.)
The exception is that Necrology and New Criminal (Black Market & MI) prints are not available for conversion. These prints will be specifically seeded during play by chapters.Criminal Items and Level of Skill:
3.0 Crim prints may only be converted to DR:L Criminal prints if you have both the required faction & level of the relevant skill required to use the item.
If you lack the requisite skill to get the conversion item, you may select a different print of any type except Necrology items.3.0 to DR: L Necrology Prints:
Certain 3.0 prints are now DR: L Necrology prints of the same name. Unfortunately, these prints cannot be converted. Instead you may request a conversion to Any Blueprint type except new Criminal prints.Expiration Times for converted items:
Converted items will either keep their original expiration dates, or receive an expiration date as if it were crafted in the month its being converted, whichever is sooner.
Ex: A Rifle made in December 2024 with a 3 year expiration is converted in Feb 2025. The new expiration date is Feb 2027, instead of Dec 2027.
Below is what your sheet tabs should look like, with a drop down menu to keep the item types clear.
Here is the formatting you’ll need to follow for Item Card Conversions:
NUMBER OF ITEMS (ie, how many Red Mist do you have with the same expiration date)
This should be based on having the same expiration date - If you have two brews with the same name, and different dates, create TWO separate lines
An IMPORTANT NOTE for Item Formatting: Please use the FULL NAME of the item that you are turning in and receiving when you document them! This is immensely helpful for sorting purposes. Short hand versions (I.e “Todd’s” versus “Uncle Todd’s Healing Brew”) can slow down our process a lot.
This is a BIG undertaking, so we’re asking as many people as possible to please use this spreadsheet and fill it out before the March event. The further in advance you fill out your info, the more likely it is that we’ll have all your gear waiting for you at the March game.
Please be kind to the staff, and especially our Logistics team as they handle making So Many Cards.